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The beauty of the WeekDate planner is you only write each event once. Even for weekly, monthly, on-the-date recurring events.

WeekDate - Best Paper Planner Simply put, WeekDate is the high-tech calendar for people who love paper.

WeekDate Best Paper Planner


Monthlies on top.

Monthlies are activities that occur every month on the same day. For example, your book club or cycling group meets the fourth Thursday of every month.

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Weeklies on bottom.

Weeklies are events that occur every week such as yoga class that is every Tuesday morning or your Weekly Status Meeting on Wednesday afternoons. This is basically your set weekly schedule.

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Specifics in between.

Specifics are everyday things that need to go specifically on a date, such as a doctor's appointment, lunch with a friend, or a business meeting.

These specific pages are color-coded so you know where you are in the month at all times. (1st week, 2nd week, etc.)

You see two weeks at a time for ultimate planning!

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Life all over.

To control your life, simply look in one column each day to see all your appointments.  But guess what?  You only wrote it once!
Made In the US


Go To TopWho wants to write "Pilates Class" or "Weekly Status Meeting" over and over and over?

Need even more? Here's our 2 minute "How It Works" video.

Please note this is an older video.
WeekDate no longer has spiral binding so it can slip easily into your Voyager Notebook!
New format! Yay!

ShopSee the latest WeekDates: best paper planner ever


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